Thursday, 19 April 2012

Study Suggests Breast Cancer is Clutch of 10 Diseases

The scientists say that conducted a major international study on the genetics of breast cancer, they can now classify the disease in 10 sub-types - a finding which is a treatment specifically tailored to each patient in the future.In a study in the journal Nature on Wednesday, a team of scientists from the UK research against cancer (CRUK) charity, several genes have to make breast cancer a new car figured out, led published and provides potential targets for new types of drugs.

Carlos Caldas, who co-led the study's CRUK Cambridge Research Institute and the University of Cambridge, said the results mean for breast cancer is now an "umbrella term" for more diseases must be considered. Basically, we will have` ve had to know what is a breast tumor under the microscope at the site of their molecular anatomy seen, "he said.

"This research Won` t the women diagnosed with breast cancer today. But in the future .. The patient received treatment for the genetic fingerprint of their tumor. "

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women worldwide, accounting for 16 percent of cancer cases in women, according to World Health Organization.

A study last year showed by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation in the U.S. that global cases of breast cancer more than doubled in just three decades, from 641 000 cases in 1980 to 1.6 million cases in 2010 - a rate that well above the growth of world population.

For genetic studies, the team worked Caldas' taken with the BC Cancer Agency, based in Vancouver, Canada, 2000 and analyzed tumor samples from women with breast cancer five to 10 years diagnosed.

For a detailed table, studying the DNA and RNA - DNA translates into proteins - to see which genes on or off in each tumor sample.

Molecular map
In a background briefing for journalists, have the researchers explain how this combined analysis of DNA and RNA, the identity of the genes known as oncogenes revealed - Driver of cancer - and tumor suppressor genes that protect against cancer.

This allows breast cancer in 10 new categories to the activity of genes instead of the currently available tests that look for the presence of so-called biomarkers, such as the estrogen receptor-based or cell-surface receptor HER2 reclassify.

Generic medications such as tamoxifen and aromatase inhibitors such as Arimidex by Astra Zeneca's or Femara, Novartis `s that block the activity of estrogen, are already in the specific treatment for patients with a used breast cancer tumors, the large amounts of estrogen receptor (ER) . produce

S `Roche Herceptin is another drug to treat breast cancer in patients whose tumors should be dependent on HER2.

Harpal Kumar, chief executive of CRUK's said that helping the new discoveries, the oncologist, make the diagnosis much more accurately for each patient with breast cancer -. "And we will ensure that we actually perform the appropriate treatment for women appropriate"

The study "is changing the way we think about breast cancer - and not as a disease, but in reality over 10 different diseases, depending on what genes are and which don` t, "he said.

Samuel Aparicio, who led the study together with the team in Vancouver, described the reclassification in the 10 subtypes, molecular weight as a new "map" of breast cancer, said he noticed the potential development of new drugs.

Scientists said the next step would be how specific molecular models, to develop tumors, and look for vulnerabilities that could respond to new drugs in the future.

They said the information from this study will be made available to scientists around the world in an effort to drug discovery and development to increase.

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